CMB Symposium 2019
Evan Gates gave a talk during Duke's Cell and Molecular Biology Symposium (Cells in Action! Advances in Cell Migration and Imaging Technologies). Good work, Evan!
Dr. Hoffman Gives Talk at Duke Transplant Research Symposium
Dr. Hoffman gave a talk at the Duke Transplant Research Symposium on November 15th, 2019. Great job Dr. Hoffman!
Dr. Hoffman Gives Talk at ECU!
Dr. Hoffman gave a lecture as part of East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine's Anatomy and Cell Biology Seminar Series. Fantastic job!
Hoffman Lab Attends BMES 2019
The Hoffman Lab attended the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Meeting in Philadelphia, PA from October 17th, 2019- October 20th, 2019. Evan, Kasie, Ishaan and Arnold all gave talks and Chris made a poster. Excellent job everyone!
Arnold and Ishaan Pass Prelims!
Congratulations to Arnold Tao and Ishaan Puranam on successfully completing their preliminary exam!
Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting 2019
The Hoffman Lab attended the Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting on September 30th, 2019 in Saxapahaw, NC! Evan gave a talk and Juilee presented a poster. Great job team!
CMB Presentation
Evan Gates presents his research on mechanocoupling in collective migration to the Department of Cell Biology at Duke University. Nice work, Evan!
Curtis and Arnold Win Fellowships!
Curtis was awarded the Robert Hochmuth Fellowship and Arnold was recently awarded a CBTE Fellowship! Congratulations everyone!
Meghan Joins the Hoffman Lab!
Meghan, a mechanical engineering graduate from Loyala University Maryland, joins the Hoffman lab as a PhD student. Welcome Meghan!
Hoffman Lab Attends MechanoChemBio 2019
Dr. Hoffman and Kasie attended this year's MechanoChemBio conference in Montreal, Canada. Kasie presented a poster. Way to go!
Hoffman Lab Attends ASMB Fibroblast Workshop at UVA
The Hoffman Lab attended the ASMB Fibroblast Workshop from Sunday June 23rd, 2019 to Tuesday June 25th, 2019 in Charlottesville, VA. Juilee and Dr. Hoffman presented posters. Good job everyone!
Nature BME Conference
The Hoffman Lab attended the Nature conference, Engineering Biology for Medicine at Duke University from Sunday May 19th, 2019- Wednesday May 22nd, 2019. Arnold, Ishaan and Kasie presented posters and Dr. Hoffman gave a talk titled "The Effects of Protein Load on Protein Function". Great job everyone!
Hoffman Lab wins at Kewaunee Poster Session!
The Hoffman Lab rocked the Kewaunee poster symposium on May 8th, 2019. Arnold, Kasie, Evan and Ishaan presented posters and Chris judged. Ishaan took home the award for Best Junior Poster and Chris received the Kewaunee Post-Doctoral Achievement Award! Brian, a collaborator on the EFRI project, also took home Best Post-Doc Poster! Congratulations everyone!
Hoffman Lab Takes BME Retreat 2019!
The Hoffman lab attended retreat at the Chetola Resort in Blowing Rock, NC. Arnold, Curtis, Juilee and Ishaan presented rapid-fire talks and Ishaan and Arnold presented posters as well. Great job, everyone!
CMB Seminar at NC State
Dr. Hoffman gives an invited talk to the Physics Department at NC State University.
Vanderbilt R01
Dr. Reinhart-King (Vanderbilt University) and Dr. Hoffman have been awarded an R01 grant that will foster scientific collaboration and advancement via their project titled "Molecular Determinants of Confined Migration".
UPenn Talk
Dr. Hoffman gives an invited lecture to the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Christopher Gilchrist publishes his work in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). See more under the Publications tab. Way to go, Dr. Gilchrist!
Photonics West
Dr. Hoffman presents an invited talk titled "Assessing the effects of protein load on protein function with FRET-based sensors" at Photonics West, hosted in San Francisco by the International Society of Photonics and Optics.
CMBE 2019
Dr. Hoffman travels to San Diego for the 2019 Cell and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE) Conference and gives a talk titled "Tunable Molecular Tension Sensors Reveal Extension-based Control of Vinculin Loading".
Evan Gates Publication
Evan Gates publishes "Improving Quality, Reproducibility, and Usability of FRET-Based Tension Sensors" in Cytometry Part A. Nice work, Evan!
Dr. Katheryn Rothenberg explains her FRET-FRAP technique in a recent JoVE publication. Great work, Katy! See more in our publications.
BMES 2018
The Hoffman Lab attends the 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Hoffman, Kasie Collins, and Ishaan Puranam gave talks. Evan Gates and Arnold Tao presented posters. Great work team!
Emerging Frontiers Grant
In collaboration with multiple Duke labs, the Hoffman Lab was awarded an Emerging Frontiers grant from the National Science Foundation. See more here:
Ishaan and Juilee Win Fellowships
Ishaan Puranam was awarded The James H. McElhaney Fellowship from Duke's Biomedical Engineering Department. Juilee was awarded an NSF Fellowship. Congratulations Ishaan and Juilee!