Duke Biomaterials Day
Kasie Collins presents her research to attendees at the inaugural Biomaterials at Duke Symposium. Nice work, Kasie!
Beepul presentation
Beephul Bharti presented his summer research project at the Duke BioCoRE Symposium. Great job!
eLife Paper
Andy LaCroix publishes his paper titled 'Tunable molecular tension sensors reveal extension-based control of vinculin loading' in eLife. Great work, Andy!
New Graduate Students
Juilee Malavade and Curtis Shoyer join the lab as graduate students in biomedical engineering. Welcome, Curtis and Juilee!
Invited Talk
Dr. Hoffman gives an invited talk at the Bollum Symposium at the University of Minnesota.
2018 BME Retreat
The Hoffman Lab attends the 2018 BME Department Retreat hosted in Wrightsville Beach, NC. Evan Gates places second in the poster presentation competition. Way to go!
Invited Talk
Dr. Hoffman gives an invited talk on "Assessing the Effects of Protein Load on Protein Function" to the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department at Cornell University.
New publication
Dr. Katheryn Rothenberg publishes an article in the Biophysical Journal titled "Vinculin Force-Sensitive Dynamics at Focal Adhesions Enable Effective Directed Cell Migration". Check out her research under the Publications tab. Great work, Katy!
Andy Defends!
Andrew LaCroix successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. LaCroix!
Andrew LaCroix's upcoming paper titled 'Tunable molecular tension sensors reveal extension-based control of vinculin loading' has been featured in The Company of Biologists's preLights. Check it out here.
Dr. Hoffman travels to Italy to give an invited talk at the 2018 CancerTO Meeting.
Kewaunee 2018
The Hoffman lab presents during the Kewaunee Symposium hosted by Duke's Center for Biomolecular and Tissue Engineering (CBTE). Congratulations to Katheryn Rothenberg and Andy LaCroix for winning the Student Achievement Award and Senior Graduate Student Poster Award, respectively. Nicely done!
Dr. Rothenberg!
Huge congratulations to Katheryn Rothenberg! Katy (Dr. Rothenberg) successfully defended her thesis.
New review paper
Dr. Hoffman contributes to a review in the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. See more under the Publications tab.
New Publication
In collaboration with researchers at UNC, Dr. Hoffman and Katheryn Rothenberg contribute to a paper published in the Journal of Cell Biology.
2018 CMBE
Dr. Hoffman attends BMES's 2018 Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Conference in Florida.
ASCB 2017 Conference
Dr. Hoffman and Katheryn Rothenberg attend the 2017 ASCB National Meeting in Philadelphia. Katy gave a talk on force-activated vinculin dynamics, and Dr. Hoffman presented research conducted by Andrew LaCroix and others. Nice work!
Duke Dermatology 2017
Dr. Hoffman gives an invited talk on “Assessing the Effects of Protein Load on Protein Function” to the Dermatology Department at Duke University.
FIP Breakfast
Evan Gates presents a poster for a Fitzpatrick Institute of Photonics (FIP) Friday breakfast. Nice job!
2017 Fall Invited Talks
Dr. Hoffman travels to both Lehigh Univeristy and the University of Michigan to give invited talks on “Assessing the Effects of Protein Load on Protein Function”.
Duke TIP Award
Congratulations to Ishaan Puranam! He was selected as the recipient of the Stansell Klein Gardner Duke TIP STEM Summer Fellowship for his work teaching through the Duke Talent Identification Program.
BMES 2017
The Hoffman Lab attends the 2017 BMES conference! Dr. Hoffman, Katy Rothenberg, Andy LaCroix, Ishaan Puranam, and Karen Xu all gave talks. Great work everyone!
Chapel Climb
The Hoffman Lab climbs the Duke Chapel!
TCM 2017
The Hoffman Lab attends the Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting, a submeeting of ASCB. Katy Rothenberg gave a talk and several other lab members presented posters.
SciREN Outreach
Katy Rothenberg participated in the SciREN Triangle Educator Open House where she presented a lesson plan aimed to teach middle school students about mechanical cues in stem cell differentiation. Way to go!